Dziś (piątek, 23 czerwca) wczesnym popołudniem doszło do niebezpiecznego zdarzenia drogowego na ul. Cegielnianej w Tucholi. Policja podaje nam wstępne ustalenia, czynności trwają.
Na ul. Cegielnianej w pobliżu przejścia dla pieszych z sygnalizacją świetlną, pojawiliśmy się ok. godz. 13:30. Na miejscu licznie działali policjanci rozmawiając ze świadkami. Nie było już osoby poszkodowanej, gdyż - jak ustaliliśmy - została zabrana przez karetkę. O oficjalne informacje poprosiliśmy przedstawiciela Komendy Powiatowej Policji w Tucholi. Zaznaczył, że - na gorąco - może podzielić się tylko podstawowymi wiadomościami.
- Osoba kierująca samochodem osobowym skręcała z ul. Cegielnianej z drogę osiedlową i nie ustąpiła nadjeżdżającemu motorowerzyście. W związku z tym doszło do zderzenia obu pojazdów - informuje Filip Fröhlke z KPP Tuchola. W zderzeniu tym ucierpiał mężczyzna jadący jednośladem i został zabrany do szpitala w Chojnicach. Samochodem osobowym, hondą, również kierował mężczyzna.
- Podkreślam, że to wstępne informacje. Policjanci nadal prowadzą czynności - tak krótko po godz. 14:00 przekazał nam funkcjonariusz policji.
PONIŻEJ ZDJĘCIA ZE ZDARZENIA NA CEGIELNIANEJ W TUCHOLI. Do sprawy wrócimy w kolejnym wydaniu Tygodnika Tucholskiego.
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Hey there, Team!
I hope this email brings a wave of funky vibes your way! I'm Nataly Komova, a rockin' freelance writer and expert contributor who's all about making a splash in the blogging world. And guess what? I'm here to offer you a mind-blowing proposition that'll take your blog to the next level on a rollercoaster ride of creativity!
With my years of experience and vast knowledge across various industries, I'm ready to unleash my writing prowess and make a massive impact on your exceptional blog. And get this—it's all on the house! That's right, my writing services come to you with no charge whatsoever. I'm all about wowing your readers with engaging, insightful content that'll leave them craving more!
So, if you're ready to dive into this epic opportunity, I kindly request that you share up to two topics or areas of interest that you'd love me to tackle. Whether it's mind-bending facts, jaw-dropping advice, or anything in between, I've got you covered. And guess what? I'll work my magic and deliver those exceptional articles in just a week—or maybe even sooner!
To keep the funky flow going, make sure to copy my personal email address, [email protected], in your reply. We wouldn't want those sneaky spam filters to steal our groove, now would we?
Thank you for considering my offer, and I'm beyond excited to hear back from you. If you need more deets or have any burning questions, don't hesitate to drop me a line. Let's make some writing magic happen!
Confidently yours,
Nataly Komova
Sent from my iPhone
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Hey there!
Hope this email finds you groovin' and movin'!
I just couldn't resist popping into your inbox with some seriously awesome news. I'm Crystal Kadir, a freelance writing maestro who's all about spicing up the blogging scene. And guess what? I'm itching to bring my creative genius to your stellar blog—for free!
I thrive on serving up juicy advice and turning it into spellbinding articles that make readers go, "Whoa, mind blown!" So, if you've got a couple of mind-blowing article titles that fit my wicked expertise, consider it a match made in writer's paradise!
Here's the deal: you dish out the titles, and I'll work my magic, transforming them into informative and captivating pieces that'll leave your readers craving more. Sounds like an epic collaboration, right?
Get ready to buckle up because my writing superpowers are faster than a rocket-powered disco ball! I'll whip up those fantastic articles and have them groovin' in your inbox within a week. Yep, you heard it right—just a week!
Oh, and to make sure our connection stays as funky fresh as ever, please copy my Gmail address, [email protected], in your reply. Let's keep those spam filters away from our fabulous collaboration!
I am seriously stoked about the possibility of teaming up with you. So, bring on those killer titles, and let's create pure writing magic together!
Sending you waves of creative energy,
Crystal Kadir
Sent from my MacBook Pro
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My name is Irina. I am an expert in posting articles and texts on various websites.
Would you be interested in mutual cooperation? In fact, I have to propose you something but before starting working answer please this questionnaire in the link below:
It takes no more than 3 minutes but will clarify all the details of the project and accelerate each stage of your future partnership.
Thank you in advance for your time and I’m looking forward to a fruitful collaboration.
If you require any further information about the questionnaire or anything else, feel free to contact me.
Best regards, Irina